Self Improvement: Staying on the optimistic track

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There are good reasons to want to stay optimistic, and the otherwise of this is it might be that it is much more difficult to capture available opportunities.
It is interesting to find out that a lot of us are on the hard track.

There might be an overall focus over long periods of time that never actually see the light of day, in terms of the actual wanted outcome. An example might be someone who studies finance in college, the stock market and keeps those cards close, but who never actually makes it as a money manager, and can't get to the better side of the numbers in the market. This extended focus, ultimately as far as making money, turned into an exercise of futility.

People generally are attempting to tie a number of things together, towards intended results.

In trying to stay optimistic in the face of shortfalls, what do we do?

A key part of this, it to realize that more than likely you are indeed trying to tie a number of things together, towards a wanted outcome. An inability towards actually doing this can get someone to feel pessimistic and that all these things can be tied together to get a certain result of set of results is only a theory. All this work, all these attempts to tie this together, may not be what you should be doing in the first place. The first way to try and combat pessimism is to not hold on so hard to your theory, which more than likely contains elements of trying to tie more than one thing together. If I at least consider the idea that all of these elements may not tie together in expected ways, I don't need to be so hard on these facts if they do appear.
To some extent, I want to get on the optimistic track in whatever ways I can for as long as I can. For example, I want to tie any number of things together, before I take that wanted vacation, which represents an optimistic track. I don't feel I deserve to get on this track unless I meet certain goals as to hours worked, money earned, hours in the gym to look good, and books read. When I have achieved all that, I'll also allow myself to get on this particular optimistic track of a vacation in an exotic locale for 1 month. But a possible mistake, is basing getting on this track unless and until other criteria are met and everything ties together on all these other fronts. So I deprive myself of getting on this optimistic track and I might also begin to lose sight of this previously clear optimistic track as well. I could at first see clearly that this vacation would be fantastic. While I trying to get all these other things to tie together, that vision might become a bit hazier.
Don't put everything on a talent watch. Indicators of talent are there enough to where everything and every aspect of what you do doesn't have to be a test of your talent. Tests of your talent need be only intermittent and not across the board to everything you do. Failure and success are terms that just aren't properly nuanced to everything you would undertake. Even if you take big steps rather than small steps into the unfamiliar, you are still unlikely compromise core talents.
Expect to make some mistakes and take some additional slack towards probable or possible mistakes. For example, don't expect to be perfect in your purchases for your daily walk around budgeting. Bring some buffer money for those likely mistakes as you create additional slack in your walk around budget. Sometimes if you have more, you can afford more mistakes. For example, If I have a 4 day work week. If I can make a mistake on the call for a day outing on one of my 3 days off, as I still have 2 more days to rectify into a good weekend or set of days off.
Any number of cogs seem important to the wheel. If one of the cogs jams, then all my hopes seem to be dashed, or at the least I'm frazzled as indeed any number of things need to be happening if I am to realize my goals and get to where I want to be Then I might apply myself too much to one part of my efforts, and then neglect an area that is equally important, but what is not what I'm driving at in the moment as I feel what I am focusing on is the first knot I need to tie.

Yet, I let this other area slide away, hopefully revisiting it in the future when I'm ready to get all of the rest tied together properly. Even if this slide away area it has only 50 percent of the importance of what I had been totally focusing on, it still has a too high percentage importance to let it totally slide away, yet this is what I'm doing.

But then, if I get together what I'm trying to get together, only then will I bring into play something else additional that I'm trying to tie in.

But for example, if I'm already trying to tie together 4 things, and I'm not doing this too well, Then why add another thing. But then, if I'm failing at tying together 4 things, what do I have to lose if I add or subtract another, and attempt a different tie together? But again it is only an assumption or theory that getting a tie together of these 4 things or 5 things is going to bring me to some wanted place. I figure I know what to focus on and I'm right about that. But what if I'm wrong and I have to fall back from this? Keeping flexible and open minded is a big part of finding optimism.

To get more optimistic, I need to figure out general outlines towards this, realizing that, I don't want to lose the totality of my efforts for the importation of a single negative outcome, and if things just aren't tying together, then I need to start looking at other things such as an A for effort, where I'm apportioning some credit for what I'm dong to my efforts alone rather than just wanted results which haven't appeared as expected. And then I might be practicing some type of real deprivation, as part of my strivings towards what I want as I continue to extend and extend and I leave out things that could have been important to me, or things I would like to circle back to at a later date. What happens though, I might create an artificial pessimism towards something to justify my holding off. Then later when I attempt to find a way back into this, the artificial pessimism seems to linger into a real pessimism and I've actually lost the optimism I once had for this. I was trying to tie together other things that were supposed to add up a certain way, and then I would be ready for this leap of faith. But now it doesn't seem as appealing to me anymore as the window I closed a bit seems hard to reopen.

I did make a good effort and I can see that I did. This way I'm giving myself some credit for what I'm doing, but sometimes the consolation prize is way short of what you really wanted.
Another aspect of this is that I put too much emphasis on what's obtainable for me through my hard earned efforts and less emphasis on fantastic gifts I may have already that I didn't really work for.
It can be advantageous to think of success in terms of what you are trying to do. If you go out for a 5 mile run and do that successfully, maybe that is only a minor success but it was what you were trying to do. This isn't a staggering success necessarily, but it was what you were trying to do, you weren't trying to run a marathon or land on the moon.
Maybe one of the things you want is money. But there might be some trips and falls to get there, and the goal line itself is rather hazy.

I pick up the newspaper, and I read that Bill Gates has billions. I get that figure in my own thinking, even when I can't pull ten dollars out of my pocket. Any horse I'm going to play towards that type of wealth is more than a long shot. Maybe it would be a hit song that could get me there, I'm good at Karaoke. But extending my to 9 to 5 to 9 to 9 isn't going to be the type of horse that will even get me in this race to billions and extending myself that way and so far away from where I really am, might cause me to lose sight of good things closer to home.

Even though this newspaper is in my hands, I'm picking faraway signals from articles in this paper about billions that likely I am never going to have unless I can beat several low odds situations, not just one.

It is like looking at a distant horizon in the night at a faint red light but the whole road or trail between here and there is unlit. You don't want to take roads or trails that are very dim on optimism just to get a wanted somewhere. There is only so much optimism to squander on dim prospects.

To get optimistic, I'll need to take cues that are a little or much closer, and brighter. If I'm just shooting around in the gym and I'm not hitting a very high percentage of these uncontested shots, why should I be optimistic about making the NBA and instead of turning pessimistic on that, why not turn off completely to the idea and get some optimistic hopes about something achievable? Looking at closer to home possibilities helps.

Another issue is, maybe I'm soured on myself. Indeed, I haven't been able to tie together all of these efforts, and get there. I'm rather deflated. What was the value of what I was trying to do? If I've soured on myself, then I probably put too much of myself in this, when I should have reserved myself for other things and other pursuits that rewarded some of the more intrinsic talents and gifts I possessed in the first place.

At this point, I've also lost any possible starting point. Previously I was facing hazy goal lines or goal posts in that what I was trying to as far as an exact format wasn't to clear and visible and it might have been akin to playing a football game in the deep fog. You can try and catch a falling star, but it wasn't that easy and amendments should be made for things that aren't realistically that easy. Now I still have that, those foggy goal lines that I can't see downfield on, and now I don't even know where the line of scrimmage is. I might as well just get out of this game.

And sometimes it is best to drop efforts and give up. But then what? Where and how I am going to find optimism? Another planet? But I do need to reserve my right to give up. Otherwise I am letting the goal take up too much force and power and the goal itself can take the controls from me. I can stop this vehicle if I want.

Any goal can be the sower of frustration, but if it that frustrating, that hard to achieve, than why I am pinning so much hope to the goal? Is there room to operate in the substrates of this goal and try and achieve a degree of enjoyment from this? I would enjoy a billion dollars, but I don't have a billion dollars. I feel unhappy about my ability to enjoy this phantom pursuit for money. I need to find some substrata's in my financial goals that can actually be mined by me. But then again, I don't want hazy, faraway goals to intrude on realistic opportunities. Certainty also means something as well. I can be certain that I can go to the school yard track right now and run a solid ten miles. That doesn't mean I shouldn't dream about running a fast marathon or a fast ten mile race, but don't let the differential between the certainty of being able to run a solid ten miles right now, or the dream of running a fast race of that distance or more, be a source of pessimism. There will be differentials if I am going to dream, or daydream, but don't let those differentials be a source full of pessimistic thinking.

Not getting my goals is a real leveler. I feel taken down a notch or several notches. . The byways of hopes have flattened out on me. But leveling also might have nothing to do with me. Look at how many people study a subject for years but face dramatic shifts in job markets in the fields they studies. Mistaken comparisons can then happen all over the place and I don't even know what mirror reflects what I'm trying to do. I wasn't able to tie this together, to construct this, and now I'll level this. More often the leveling sources elsewhere. If some new technological advance makes a previous big market item obsolete, then this is a leveling. Other things I have may not as much be subject to the leveling or if they are a bit leveled, it doesn't mean they are totally leveled. But I don't want to have a lingering focus on what has been leveled. If this area has been fished out or leveled as far as fishing goes, I'll just look for a new and better place to fish. Examples of this are collapsing industries and companies. At what point do I head for the hills rather than getting right under the collapse?

But so much of my time and energy was put into these prior constructs and I'm so far short of where I wanted to be that it had to be me and my talents. But then, not only do I level these constructs as they didn't do it, I level my future, my hopes for anything else, any other talents that can be brought forth and my potential for new constructs.

It was necessary that I level these constructs, because I did in fact reach a real dead end. And the face off with a dead end is real. But getting rid of particular constructs because what I wanted from these constructs wasn't happening doesn't mean I level everything. Even if I only have the shirt on my back, I still have something to work with and I'm sure you have a lot more going for you that the shirt on your back.

This is why I don't necessarily want to put all my eggs in one basket anyway, unless it's a fantastic basket because people often have too much going for them to have to have it all riding on a single pony.

I was speaking to a big time IBM executive about IBM which is a huge U.S. corporation that has many overseas employees at present. He said," What does IBM really manufacture at this point? It is a different world, IBM is now mostly in the services and consulting business". Historically IMB had been the champion manufacturer of the mainframe computer for example but now for IBM according to this executive, it was a new world.

Now you're facing a new world in some area of your life. You may have to ready yourself for the skid, as you had been full steam ahead on outdated approaches and you need to just stop and stop quickly. Even in a standstill position for the moment, you are better off than motoring ahead to no where. The first thing then is to handle the skid itself. If you can do that, give yourself some credit right there. Then, you're in a new world and the next question is, where am I? That question is better asked when you have your feet on the ground a bit, even if you are just starting fresh in this new world, at least get a view that isn't checkered by false hopes from the past that you have carried over. It is better to great the present unencumbered by what are now falsities.

One way to be optimistic is, while you are now in the new world, you still have friends from the old world, that have made it with you to the new world and at least they are here with you and they can also reaffirm to you that truly things are different because they were with you in old world and they too see that it is a new world. Another aspect is that you have survived and got through some quantum leaps in the outer environment while maintaining some personal equilibrium. Since you got through that okay in getting to the new world, now you can have more personal confidence in making a quantum leap in your own life, if this is what you want to do.
You may be feeling things that are misconceptions about yourself that are deriving from places and sources you don't even care about now. Rhett Butler at the end of the classic movie Gone with the Wind didn't care anymore about the retrenches of war that destroyed what he wanted and ruined things for him. The movie leaves open as to where he could have gone and what he could have done from there.

He was divorcing himself from all this for good, as in the moment both the disappearing old world and uninviting new world were bleak to him and his next standing points were unknown in these moments. . Whether his final interpretation of the events that proceeded was correct or not, this is where he was now. Despite his outward demeanor where he seemed at times to project les fair in the past inwardly he never gave up. Now he realized, he had a right to do so now despite his long held underlying convictions not to and to begin anew as he could now only call upon his own intrinsic worth which was also separate from everything that had gone wrong. The impersonal leveler of this particular war left little or none of what he had always known left for him to consider.
The moments we are facing probably aren't as radical in terms of the divide between the old world and new world. Look for optimistic feedback from those in seemingly higher loops as well One personal example, I had been working for a company and on the phone with a friend and I was suddenly harangued by the manager of the place to get off the phone. My friend, a high level executive on Wall Street, said, 'tell her to shut up, your talking with Bill Clinton." Bill was the President at that time. The assumption was that this call was coming from a higher loop; it could have well been the president that I was talking to. The boomerang also was, that he felt that I'd be someone who the president was actively interested in chatting with. Good feedback from another loop. The point being, that sometimes relatively higher circles or loops in the business world, are going to give recognition for says things like conversational skills that aren't appreciated in every loop. And these types of feedback can be nascent indicators for ways in which you can subscribe to other better loops as time goes on. If you can circle into a loop even momentarily, and get positive feedback from a very good loop, right there is a point on the optimistic track, in the new world.

Things will come from other loops, but they might not be loops you care about anyway. The loops you care about are the ones that should keep or hold your attention, by paying attention to everything out there, you might lose optimism that way, especially if you involve yourself in areas that carry little meaning and interest for you.

So, I'm in the new world, and people are walking around with hand held communication devices at the level of a computer whereas the big thing in the previous era was an umbrella. I can take another look at all this without being utterly surprised.
Some of the tools of retrospection are usable as well. Although my past constructs may have never fully arrived, I maybe have had positive moments that still serve as nascent indicators, even if they are now distant indicators in what is presently the faraway future and seem to have a fading significance, there might be holdover aspects to what happened and what these indicators could have shown that can be visited in this new world. The use of indicators doesn't have to fall on an exact time line or come from an exact time frame. Long ago indicators may still have some use for present day decisions. Generally though indicators also at times come from specific loops and you also do want to identify what loops are involved with specific indicators. To identify the loop where the indicator is coming from is also helpful in forming more general ideas as to where to go now. There are better loops out there.

These nascent indicators are the last visible remains or vestiges of my failed or not so successful constructs. Failed constructs yes, but I need to see the ways in which I did build correctly, and again my mistake might have been trying to hard to tie it altogether then, when I could have seesawed a bit and gotten a vision from that more wide angled approach that which would have helped. Even if your constructs actually were successful then, you still probably need to form new constructs now if you want something that is from now. Prior constructs aren't always lasting enough to where they extend into the present and into the future.

For example, maybe I never even made it to Congress, but I had a great two hour conversation with the President and also the house leader and I can dialogue with these people. I might have been involved in extended loops of success. Maybe I had a smoking semester in college when I had straight A's in hard courses, a nascent indicator, that I withheld from the optimistic tracks. People have obtained degrees that they never even touched as far as seeking a career in what they studies, had gifts they never even touched upon while looking for the more idyllic moment rather than chancing investigation under seemingly less ideal conditions.

Interests that were in the old world, could still be nascent indicators, that could be reformulated in the new world or combined with new indicators in ways that can work now.

Realize though, that in the new world, I'm not the only one who needs to let go. While I'm not going to be looking for a manufacturing job at IBM, at this point, because this job isn't there, neither is anybody else going to be getting this job either, because it is not there for them either.

The leveling is something that I need not always take all that personally and I need more so to look at what is spring forth in the new world.
Current indicators are that this ship doesn't sail anymore. No reason then to look for the ship anymore.

I can let go of old ties, and redress to the new, at least, at the starting line of recognition. While the line of scrimmage and the goal posts were hazy then, they aren't even there now.

For example, I think I'll set up a line to line telephone system in the world. In the new world line to line is now longer the game, with satellite based cell phones widely available. The only thing to do is let go. This formerly optimistic track is no longer available and new optimistic tracks need to be found.

And part of the optimistic track is that I'm looking at a new world and there is a degree of wonder as to how I even got here and I did in fact make it through some things to get here and this shows some resilience that I can call upon again. If I was Forest Gump, running all over the country, and now I'm in Arizona , looking at the cactus, this is where I am. It is great I ran so far and showed that resilience, but where I am now is different and isn't where I was then.

I need to breathe the new air of the present new world.

Don't make the mistake of taking your signals from the old world, except that they remain as memories of points of optimism in loops that still have remaining indicators. We do want to consider signals from the old word which can help in the visuals of the new world. Visualization is a part of getting on the optimistic track. I might have had a great day or moment years ago but I can get that visual and use it now as part of my visualizations for the present. It is interesting that our society can be so visual, examples would be advertisements, yet there can be a mixed review of the idea of using visualizations towards what you might want or in just engaging possibilities. Even dreams of course are based on visuals, indicating the native important of visuals. It might all go back to those school days when you were told to pay attention and not daydream. By not doing this at all, it is like cutting off supplies that can be useful. Realistically you might have to take some sort visualization and picture and go with it at times. For example, the original train tracks out West had to meander through some valleys. How was this decided and it probably was a group of engineers and their vision. In the same way, part of getting on an optimistic track does involve personal vision.

Old World successes, likely can't be duplicated in the new world. I'm not getting on a wagon train out west now.

There are still remaining potentialities.

In my new constructs, now in the new world, it is also important look at possible new far points to any feasible projects that are being launched. Where is this actually going? I can't rely on old far points and just think that the far points now are going to be just about the same as the far points then. This is especially with regards to business where the overall environment changes quickly as global competition moves in quickly and strongly. This can be difficult, because personal career goals get intermingled in the corporate setting with whatever the ride is going to be there and I still need to distinguish what is flying and what is going to fly in this new world. Here it is not only a matter of wanting to be on the optimistic track but also of finding what it is now in this new world.

Far points then should have optimism in them, if anything else.

For example, I'm on the beach, and there is a buoy a mile out on the ocean and it is situated in relatively nice, somewhat sweeping surf on a great summer day on the beach. It would be nice to swim out to this buoy and when I get there I can find additional optimism in seeing the waves ride ahead in their beauty to the shore and the lively crowd on the beach in the distance gives me hope from that arrival point of reaching this buoy.

If I see that same buoy, on a relatively empty beach, under threatening skies, in dicey surf as far as excessive roughness, and I reach my far point of this buoy on this swim, I'm still out at this far point in dangerous surf amidst a possible brewing storm. My far point isn't at this point comparatively optimistic, because if I get there, I'm still in trouble.

Take for example, bulking up with the use of steroids. The far point is inviting to someone who wants to be stronger but dresses with side effects that take away the optimism. When I get there, nicely bulked up, I'm dealing with potential serious side effects. The far point I've gotten myself to is off the optimistic track because of side effect issues. I need to stay on the optimistic track all the way to and through the far points.
If my far points aren't optimistic, I need to back up, and see to far points that are optimistic not only at the far point but in their tracks to the far points, remembering that the far points available to me in the new world could be substantially different now. I may need to get off the optimistic track because of things that happen, but there is lots of psychology involved in getting back on the optimistic track once I lose it. Maybe I'm so mad that I lost the optimistic track, that even if the easy way back is found, I'm going to stay off the optimistic track because of my lingering anger over having to get off the optimistic track in the first place.

The overall goal of optimism is also a criteria and citizen of the new world. I need to make sure that soaring optimism remains in my sight, and if I'm losing it, I have a right to change course, as optimism is where I want to be.
Author: Joseph Jagde
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